來自德國的女攝影師Astrid Riecken是德國的一位女攝影記者,這里匯集了他職業生涯中的所有攝影作品,通過專業的新聞嗅覺拍攝了很多德國社會現狀的攝影作品。
Astrid Riecken is an award-wining photojournalist, based in Washington, D.C., and New York City. Riecken started her photographic career in her native Hamburg, Germany. In 1993, she transferred from the University of Hamburg to San Francisco State University, where she majored in photojournalism and minored in black studies. She graduated in 1997 at the top of her class and was immediately hired as a staff photographer. Ever since, Riecken has built a reputation as an inspired and versatile shooter.
Riecken has won numerous awards in Picture of the Year International (Poyi), National Press Photographers Association's Best of Photography (BOP) and the White House News Photographers Association (WHNPA) competition of which she was named photographer of the year in 2014. Riecken was also a participant in the Eddie Adams workshop and was twice a finalist for the William Randolph Hearst National College Journalism Competition and the recepient of the NPPA Joseph Ehrenreich scholarship and the Greg Robinson Memorial scholarship.
At the beginning of 2010, Riecken volunteered as a photographer to assist Project HOPE in their relief efforts for the earthquake victims in Haiti. In 2009, Riecken was chosen to participate in the Berlin Wall Project, sponsored by the Goethe Institute, New York City, and the D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities. In 2008, Riecken covered the campaign of the presidential candidate Barack Obama. Her photographs are published in the book "President Obama: The Start of an Era".